Authors: Mira Dreesen Veerle Foulon Martin Hiele Kris Vanhaecht Lutgart De Pourcq Loris Pironi André Van Gossum Jann Arends Cristina Cuerda Paul Thul Frederico Bozzetti Ludo Willems
Publish Date: 2012/12/11
Volume: 21, Issue: 5, Pages: 1373-1381
Clear recommendations on how to guide patients with cancer on home parenteral nutrition HPN are lacking as the use of HPN in this population remains a controversial issue Therefore the aims of this study were to rank treatment recommendations and main outcome indicators to ensure highquality care and to indicate differences in care concerning benign versus malignant patientsTreatment recommendations identified from published guidelines were used as a starting point for a tworound Delphi approach Comments and additional interventions proposed in the first round were reevaluated in the second round Ordinal logistic regression with SPSS 20 was used to identify differences in care concerning benign versus malignant patientsTwentyseven experts from five European countries completed two Delphi rounds After the second Delphi round the top three most important outcome indicators were 1 quality of life QoL 2 incidence of hospital readmission and 3 incidence of catheterrelated infections Fortytwo interventions were considered as important for quality of care 28/42 based on published guidelines 14/42 newly suggested by Delphi panel The topics ‘Liver disease’ and ‘Metabolic bone disease’ were considered less important for cancer patients together with use of infusion pumps p = 0004 and monitoring of vitamins and trace elements p = 0000 Monitoring of QoL is considered more important for cancer patients p = 003No authors have financial and personal relationships with other people or organisations that could inappropriately influence bias their work Only Mira Dreesen has unconditional educational grant from the Company Baxter Belgium This company is not involved in the study design in the collection analysis and interpretation of the data in the writing of the manuscript and in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication