Authors: Luisa Vuolo Laura Bonzano Caterina Roccatagliata Roberto Carlo Parodi Luca Roccatagliata
Publish Date: 2010/01/30
Volume: 31, Issue: 2, Pages: 213-215
Behçet’s disease is a multisystem disorder first described in 1937 as a triad of oral and genital ulcerations and uveitis The etiology is unknown Involvement of the central nervous system CNS occurs in 10–25 of patients 1 NeuroBehçet’s disease NBD can be classified as 1 parenchymal with a predilection for brainstem basal ganglia and thalami involvement subcortical white matter damage spinal cord lesions and meningoencephalitic presentations 2 vascular which usually affects major intracranial vessels with frequent involvement of the venous sinuses cerebral veins and rarely intracranial arteries 2 Even if not constantly demonstrated in the CNS 3 a vasculitic process involving small blood vessels including venules is regarded as an important pathological feature 1 2 We describe the case of a patient with NBD studied with conventional and diffusion weighted MR imaging