Publish Date: 1901/12/14
Volume: XXXVII, Issue: 24, Pages: 1614-1614
It was prophesied when the xray were first discovered that they would be exploited by quacks as there is just that element of mystery and semimiracle in them that takes in the credulous We could not well anticipate their real therapeutic value and we can not say that it has even yet been fully demonstrated It does appear however that they have a certain decided influence on living tissues and the suggestion is a natural one that this can be applied to a therapeutic end The success of the Finsen light treatment is also suggestive in this connection Following out this idea some physicians have experimented with the therapeutic application of these rays and have reported encouraging results in cases of superficial malignant growths while not claiming any more than logical scientific deduction can allow There is however a class of men few of them it is satisfactory to