Publish Date: 1925/01/03
Volume: 84, Issue: 1, Pages: 14-14
Comparisons of the practice of different students of diabetes may perhaps in the future be furthered by figures on the diets furnished to a given group of patients especially after eliminating the extremely variable factor of body weight which may be done by prorating the calories and likewise the twentyfour hour amount of carbohydrate protein and fat in grams per kilogram1 In order to invite attention to this possibly useful advance in precision I submit a tabulation of children treated with insulin Such a table must be tentative owing to reservations on several factors more or less indeterminable in some of the published reportsThe factors in mind are all those which may have interfered with unlimited insulin dosage such as its rarity in the early days a patients poverty objection to repeated pricks or possibly in the emaciated patient with extremely low tolerance suffering from too bulky subcutaneous