Authors: A W Petit
Publish Date: 1923/10/06
Volume: 81, Issue: 14, Pages: 1206-1207
Mrs D R aged 27 in her fourth fullterm normal pregnancy had not had difficulties at the previous deliveries eight six and three years before The babies had weighed from 6 to 7 pounds 27 to 32 kg each and there had been no perineal tear except a slight one repaired at the first deliveryWhen I arrived at the bedside July 7 1923 the patient had been in labor for two hours and was having strong pains at threeminute intervals Vaginal examination showed a left occipitoanterior presentation with the head on the perineum After a few pains the vertex progressed so that it was nearly onehalf born but came no farther Examination to ascertain the cause of this sudden arrest showed a second head in the pelvis pressing into the neck of the first child The second head was pushed upward after which the first head was born In