Authors: Adrian Lambert
Publish Date: 1952/08/23
Volume: 149, Issue: 17, Pages: 1545-1547
In a recent summary of the literature concerning pulmonary resection for metastatic malignant lesions Seiler Clagett and McDonald1 found 68 cases recorded up to 1950 In the 63 cases in which the type of the primary tumor was mentioned the most frequently occurring types were carcinoma of the large bowel 11 cases fibrosarcoma 9 cases hypernephroma 8 cases and carcinoma of the ovary 5 cases In the entire series there were no cases reported of pulmonary resection for metastasis from the lung as the primary site of the tumor The fact that this has not been done is not because of the rarity of this type of extension Ochsner and DeBakey2 list the lungs as the fourth commonest site of extension from primary carcinoma of the lung In a summary of 3047 cases of carcinoma of the lung collected from the literature in 1942 they found that lymph