Authors: G S Accetta A O Fitzmorris R F Wettingfeld
Publish Date: 1954/05/15
Volume: 155, Issue: 3, Pages: 253-254
Toxic manifestations of methimazole therapy have been documented by several investigators1 Skin rashes agranulocytosis arthritis and toxic hepatitis have been reported We wish to report the case of a patient treated with methimazole in whom a sudden marked neuropathy associated with foot drop developedREPORT OF CASEĀ The patient a 50yearold Hawaiian man was admitted to the hospital in September 1952 with complaints of progressive nervousness weakness weight loss despite ravenous appetite heat intolerance and diarrhea of about six months duration Physical examination revealed a cooperative but excitable patient who had moderate arm tremors There was a lid lag but no exophthalmos There was some weakness of the quadriceps muscle but the patient was able to stand up and climb onto a chair without assistance Neurological examination showed no other abnormalities all movements were intact and his gait was normal Repeated tests for basal metabolic rate were in the