Publish Date: 1917/09/08
Volume: LXIX, Issue: 10, Pages: 825-826
We have referred on previous occasions to the lack of evidence concerning the effect on health and comfort of the relative humidity in living rooms The hasty assumption that a low relative humidity means similar dehydrating power whether in a desert or in a schoolroom is obviously unjustified Consideration of the principles of elementary physics is sufficient to show that other factors such as air movement and air temperature are of great importance in determining the loss of heat and of moisture from the human body The emphasis sometimes laid on humidifiers and humidifying processes by newspaper sanitarians may conceivably divert attention from more significant matters It is plainly impossible to maintain proper atmospheric conditions of any sort without taking into account air temperature and air motion as well as air humidity The useful if somewhat awkward expression airconditioning has come to represent for ventilating experts the sum total of