Authors: Sven E Nilsson Sanna Takkinen Boo Johansson Gerhard Dotevall Arne Melander Stig Berg Gerald McClearn
Publish Date: 2004/02/07
Volume: 60, Issue: 1, Pages: 45-49
Elevated plasma homocysteine might indicate an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular and neurological diseases The homocysteine level depends on the supply of folate and cobalamine and constipation and/or laxative treatment might compromise this supply The present study examined the impact of constipation and laxative treatment on the blood levels of homocysteine folate and cobalamine in a populationbased sample of aged people including consideration of frailty and impaired renal function both of which may also influence the homocysteine levelThe study was based on biochemical tests in 341 females and 183 males aged 82 years or older The concentrations of homocysteine plasma folate cobalamine and urea serum were measured in subjects with and without ongoing treatment with laxative drugs Values were adjusted for age gender and frailty as well as for clinical diagnoses and drug therapies known to affect homocysteine levelsHomocysteine levels were increased and those of folate reduced in aged subjects on laxatives Homocysteine remained elevated after adjusting for frailty and various neurological disorders There was no significant effect on homocysteine and folate in constipated subjects without laxativesThe OCTOTwin study is a longitudinal study conducted at the Institute of Gerontology IFG at the School of Health Sciences in Jönköping Sweden in collaboration with the Center for Developmental and Health Genetics at the Pennsylvania State University PSU USA and the Department of Medical Epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm Sweden The study was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging NIA AG 08861 and by the NEPI Foundation