Authors: Dong Jo Kim Sang Mi Yi Seung Yeon Lee Heun Soo Kang YoonHo Choi Yeong Wook Song Sang Chul Park
Publish Date: 2006/02/11
Volume: 119, Issue: 3, Pages: 353-
Perturbations in genomic stability result in cancer a reduced life span and premature aging MLH1 is a mismatch repair enzyme that acts to maintain genomic stability and a loss of MLH1 increases cancer incidence and apoptosis resistance which suggests a link between MLH1 and longevity We found here that MLH1 is associated with longevity by comparing a centenarian group with a control group Our data indicate a critical role for MLH1 in longevityThis work was supported by grants from the Korean Research Foundation for Health Science from the National Research Laboratory Programme for Rheumatic Disease and from the Aging and Apoptosis Research Center of KOSEF Korea Ministry of Science and Technology