Authors: Behnam Moetakef Imani Amirmohammad Ghandehariun
Publish Date: 2011/02/26
Volume: 56, Issue: 5-8, Pages: 619-629
Various methods for parametric interpolation of nonuniform rational Bspline NURBS curves have been proposed in the past However the errors caused by the approximate nature of the NURBS interpolator were rarely taken into account This paper proposes an integrated lookahead algorithm for parametric interpolation along NURBS curves The algorithm interpolates the sharp corners on the curve with the Pythagoreanhodograph PH interpolation This will minimize the geometric and interpolator approximation errors simultaneously The algorithm consists of four different modules a sharp corner detection module a PH construction module a feedrate planning module and a dynamics module Simulations are performed to show correctness of the proposed algorithm Experiments on an X–Y table confirm that the developed method improves tracking and contour accuracies significantly compared to previously proposed algorithms