Authors: Qingyuan Cao Jun Zhao Yueen Li Lihong Zhu
Publish Date: 2013/08/22
Volume: 69, Issue: 9-12, Pages: 2843-2849
Ballend mill are usually used for finish machining with multiaxis CNC milling centers Cutter eccentricity offset magnitude e c angular location of the offset vector λ c is very important when predicting cutting forces accurately In the process of cutting force modeling not only the e c but also the λ c affects the cutting forces by associating with the rotation angle the chip thickness and the entry and exit angles of the cutting forces The e c affects the values of the cutting forces while λ c causes the delay phenomenon of the cutting forces mainly Experiment results show that the cutting forces considering the cutter eccentricity more especially considering the influence of the λ c agree better with the measured cutting forces than the cutting forces without considering the cutter eccentricity