Authors: Xingjun Wang Yeqing Ma Yu Zhao Yujun Chen Yujia Hu Changyan Chen Yingyao Shao Lei Xue
Publish Date: 2015/03/05
Volume: 20, Issue: 6, Pages: 778-786
The amyloid precursor like protein1 APLP1 belongs to the amyloid precursor protein family that also includes the amyloid precursor protein APP and the amyloid precursor like protein2 APLP2 Though the three proteins share similar structures and undergo the same cleavage processing by α β and γsecretases APLP1 shows divergent subcellular localization from that of APP and APLP2 and thus may perform distinct roles in vivo While extensive studies have been focused on APP which is implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease the functions of APLP1 remain largely elusive Here we report that the expression of APLP1 in Drosophila induces cell death and produces developmental defects in wing and thorax This function of APLP1 depends on the transcription factor dFoxO as the depletion of dFoxO abrogates APLP1induced cell death and adult defects Consistently APLP1 upregulates the transcription of dFoxO target hid and reapertwo well known proapoptotic genes Thus the present study provides the first in vivo evidence that APLP1 is able to induce cell death and that FoxO is a crucial downstream mediator of APLP1’s activityWe thank Dr Merders Dr Partridge and the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center for fly stocks This work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China 973 Program 2010CB944901 2011CB943903 National Natural Science Foundation of China 31071294 31171413 31371490 the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 20120072110023 and Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology 09DZ2260100 14JC1406000