Authors: M Victoria Puig Allan T Gulledge
Publish Date: 2011/11/11
Volume: 44, Issue: 3, Pages: 449-464
Higherorder executive tasks such as learning working memory and behavioral flexibility depend on the prefrontal cortex PFC the brain region most elaborated in primates The prominent innervation by serotonin neurons and the dense expression of serotonergic receptors in the PFC suggest that serotonin is a major modulator of its function The most abundant serotonin receptors in the PFC 5HT1A 5HT2A and 5HT3A receptors are selectively expressed in distinct populations of pyramidal neurons and inhibitory interneurons and play a critical role in modulating cortical activity and neural oscillations brain waves Serotonergic signaling is altered in many psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression where parallel changes in receptor expression and brain waves have been observed Furthermore many psychiatric drug treatments target serotonergic receptors in the PFC Thus understanding the role of serotonergic neurotransmission in PFC function is of major clinical importance Here we review recent findings concerning the powerful influences of serotonin on single neurons neural networks and cortical circuits in the PFC of the rat where the effects of serotonin have been most thoroughly studiedWe are grateful to Francesc Artigas Miquel Bosch Pau Celada and Yasuo Kawaguchi for their guidance and support We also thank Daniel Avesar for contributing the data for Fig 2 This work has been supported by a number of grants and fellowships from the Spanish Japanese and US governments These include a fellowship from the Institut dInvestigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer IDIBAPS MVP a fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS MVP a NARSAD Young Investigator Award from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation ATG and PHS grant R01 MH83806 ATG