Authors: Geisa Nogueira Salles Fernanda Aparecida dos Santos Pereira Cristina PachecoSoares Fernanda Roberta Marciano Christian Hölscher Thomas J Webster Anderson Oliveira Lobo
Publish Date: 2016/10/20
Volume: 54, Issue: 9, Pages: 6827-6838
Bioresorbable electrospun fibres have highly functional features that can preserve drug efficacy avoiding premature degradation and control drug release rates over long periods In parallel it is known that Alzheimer’s disease AD has been linked to impaired insulin signalling in the brain Glucagonlike peptide 1 GLP1 analogues have beneficial effects on insulin release and possess exceptional neuroprotective properties Herein we describe for the first time the incorporation of a GLP1 analogue liraglutide into electrospun poly lactic acid PLA fibres with in situ gelatin capsules in order to provide the controlled release of liraglutide improving neuroprotective properties In this study PLA a bioresorbable polymer in which degradation products have neurogenesis characteristics was electrospun and loaded with liraglutide Moreover PLA/liraglutide fibres were encapsulated with gelatin and were shown to have better properties than the nonencapsulated fibres in terms of the controlled release of liraglutide which was accomplished in the present study for up to 60 days We observed that this biodevice was completely encapsulated with gelatin which made the material more hydrophilic than PLA fibres alone and the biodevice was able to enhance fibroblast interaction and reduce mitochondrial stress in a neuroblastoma cell line In this manner this study introduces a new material which can improve neuroprotective properties from AD oxidative stress via the sustained longlasting release of liraglutideThe authors would like to thank the São Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP AOL grant 2011/178777 and BPE 2015/096970 FRM grant 2011/203457 and BPE 2016/005751 the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development CNPq 474090/20132 the Brazilian Innovation Agency FINEP–grant 0113042800 and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel CAPES grant 88887095044/201500 G N Salles would also like to thank FAPESP for the PhD scholarship 2014/205610 The authors would like to acknowledge Prof Fabio Klamt who provided the SHSY5Y cells