Authors: S K Kilari L Y Amancharla V L D Bodagala A J Mulakala J V Bushan S K Vishnubhotla
Publish Date: 2007/05/15
Volume: 39, Issue: 3, Pages: 947-949
A middleaged farmer presented with progressive abdominal pain and distension an episode of gross hematuria oligoanuria following a fall in an alcoholic intoxicated state He was found to have renal failure and gross ascites which rapidly subsided following continuous bladder catheter drainage Cystogram revealed a tear in the bladder dome which was repaired Subsequently he manifested behavioral abnormalities and evaluation revealed right frontotemporoparietal subdural hematoma which was evacuated through a burr hole Patient made full recovery and was discharged Intraperitoneal bladder rupture resulting in acute pseudorenal failure is a rare entity Sudden onset abdominal discomfort increasing ascites hematuria and oliguria with elevated renal parameters following trauma in an alcoholic needs consideration and exclusion of this entity Thus this case report highlights the importance of intraperitoneal rupture of bladder as a cause of pseudorenal failure Timely recognition of this entity results in easy management and avoidance of inadvertent dialysis