Authors: Olga Balafa Rigas Kalaitzidis Georgios Liapis Sofia Xiromeriti Fotios Zarzoulas Georgios Baltatzis Moses Elisaf
Publish Date: 2015/06/20
Volume: 47, Issue: 8, Pages: 1373-1377
The coexistence of crescents and membranous glomerulonephritis MGN is a special characteristic in lupus nephritis In the absence of the characteristic histological features of lupus nephritis MGN with crescents should raise the possibility of two other histopathological entities antiGBM disease and necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis The last one includes patients with positive ANCA serology or notHere we describe a case of a male patient who presented with extrarenal vasculitis symptoms acute renal failure hematuria and nephroticrange proteinuria ANCA serology was positive and the biopsy revealed crescentic vasculitis plus membranous nephropathy Reviewing the whole literature about similar histological cases we included 38 cases with ANCApositive serology and 30 ones with no ANCA in serum It seems that in the first category vasculitis symptoms predominate while in the second one these symptoms are absent Their histological features have no major differences In any case the clinical course of these patients is serious and in most cases immunosuppression is essential in order to avoid endstage renal disease