Authors: Abdallah Sassine Geara Nassif Azzi Claude Bassil Suzanne ElSayegh
Publish Date: 2010/07/25
Volume: 44, Issue: 1, Pages: 323-325
“Aspirin resistance” is a new concept that is progressively starting to establish itself as a concern in patients with cardiovascular diseases with an estimated incidence of 28 in this population It is associated with an increase in cardiovascularrelated events acute coronary syndrome and death 1 The laboratory measurement methods are divided into two major groups some address platelets aggregation after therapy with aspirin and others measure the ability of aspirin to inhibit platelets TBX biosynthesis The role of platelets’ function testing in clinical practice is not defined and is still considered more related to the research field 2 In a recent systematic review renal impairment was found to be associated with aspirin resistance 1 This association was described in two studies from the same center with a predominant Asian population 3 4