Authors: Hsin T Li Catherine Schuler Robert E Leggett Robert M Levin
Publish Date: 2010/06/08
Volume: 43, Issue: 1, Pages: 91-97
Partial bladder outlet obstruction PBOO in rabbits causes free radical production through ischemia and reperfusion within the bladder smooth muscle and mucosa We had previously shown that pretreatment of rabbits with a combination of αlipoic acid αLA and coenzyme Q10 CoQ protected the bladder from contractile and metabolic dysfunctions mediated by PBOO In this study we examined the ability of pretreatment with αLA and CoQ combination in rabbits to protect the bladder from contractile damage mediated by either hydrogen peroxide H2O2 or in vitro ischemia–reperfusion I/R which represents two in vitro models of oxidative damageEight adult male New Zealand white rabbits were pretreated with CoQ and αLA orally for four weeks Eight adult male control rabbits were given vehicle Eight fullthickness bladder strips were isolated from each of 4 treated and 4 control rabbit bladders and a dose–response curve to H2O2 01–08 was generated Similarly isolated strips of bladder from the remaining 4 control and 4 treated rabbits were subjected to 1 h of ischemia no oxygen without glucose followed by 2 h of incubation in oxygenated buffer with glucose The effects on the contractile responses to field stimulation FS at 2 8 and 32 Hz carbachol and potassium chloride KCl were determinedH2O2 reduced the contractile responses to KCl and carbachol to a significantly greater degree than to FS whereas I/R reduced the contractile responses to FS to a significantly greater degree than to KCl and carbachol Pretreatment of the rabbits with the combination of CoQ and αLA significantly protected the bladder from the damaging effects of I/R but had virtually no effect on the damaging effects of H2O2