Authors: Fernando Domingos Alberto Escalda
Publish Date: 2011/05/11
Volume: 44, Issue: 3, Pages: 873-882
We performed a 70° headup tilt test in 30 idiopathic recurrent KSF aged 456 ± 121 years old 17 men 13 women and 30 healthy controls aged 420 ± 124 years old 17 women 13 men Thirteen KSF were hypertensive and 17 were normotensive Blood pressure BP and heart rate variability HRV were used for the noninvasive assessment of the efferent activity of the ANS Discrete wavelet transform DWT was used to quantify the lowfrequency LF 004–015 Hz and highfrequency HF 015–04 Hz components during several periods of tiltThe results showed significantly higher HR and BP in KSF in both supine and tilt positions DWT revealed diminished HRV in the kidney stone patients during headup tilt with no increase in the LF and greater decrease in the HF components The differences in the HF component of HRV were associated with obesity and hyperuricosuria but the abnormalities of the LF component were independent of the explanatory variables The LF component of systolic BP was significantly higher in KSF and was associated with hypertension