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Effects of climate change on groundwater resources

Authors: Daniel J Rozell Tengfong Wong
Publish Date: 2010/06/23
Volume: 18, Issue: 7, Pages: 1657-1665
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Rising sea levels due to climate change are expected to negatively impact the freshwater resources of small islands The effects of climate change on Shelter Island New York State USA a small sandy island were investigated using a variabledensity transient groundwater flow model Predictions for changes in precipitation and sealevel rise over the next century from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 report were used to create two future climate scenarios In the scenario most favorable to fresh groundwater retention consisting of a 15 precipitation increase and 018m sealevel rise the result was a 23m seaward movement of the freshwater/saltwater interface a 027m watertable rise and a 3 increase in the freshwater lens volume In the scenario supposedly least favorable to groundwater retention consisting of a 2 precipitation decrease and 061m sealevel rise the result was a 16m landward movement of the freshwater/saltwater interface a 059m watertable rise and a 1 increase in lens volume The unexpected groundwatervolume increase under unfavorable climate change conditions was best explained by a clay layer under the island that restricts the maximum depth of the aquifer and allows for an increase in freshwater lens volume when the water table risesL’élévation des niveaux marins due au changement climatique est supposée impacter négativement la ressource en eau douce des petites îles Les effets du changement climatique sur Shelter Island Etat de New York USA une petite île sablonneuse ont été étudiés en régime transitoire avec un modèle d’écoulement de nappe à densité variable Les prévisions de changement des précipitations et d’élévation du niveau marin au cours du prochain siècle selon le Rapport du Comité Intergouvernemental de 2007 sur le Changement Climatique ont été utilisées pour simuler deux scénarios climatiques futurs Dans le scénario le plus favorable à la rétention d’eau douce par la nappe consistant en 15 d’augmentation des précipitations et 018 m d’élévation du niveau marin le résultat est un déplacement de 23 m de l’interface eau douce/eau marine en direction de la mer et une augmentation de 3 du volume d’eau douce Dans le scénario supposé le moins favorable à l’emmagasinement d’eau douce consistant en une diminution de 2 des précipitations et à une élévation de 061 m du niveau marin le résultat est un déplacement de 16 m de l’interface eau douce/eau salée en direction de l’intérieur de l’île une élévation de 059 m de la surface libre de la nappe et une augmentation de 1 du volume de la lentille L’augmentation inattendue du volume de l’aquifère dans des conditions de changement climatique défavorable a été expliquée au mieux par l’existence d’un horizon argileux sous l’île limitant la profondeur maximale de l’aquifère permettant une augmentation du volume d’eau douce accompagnant l’élévation de la nappeSe presupone que el ascenso del nivel del mar debido al cambio climático impactará negativamente en los recursos de agua dulce de las islas pequeñas Se investigaron los efectos del cambio climático en Shelter Island Estado de Nueva York EEUU una pequeña isla arenosa usando un modelo de flujo subterráneo transitorio de densidad variable Se utilizaron las predicciones en los cambios en la precipitación y el ascenso del nivel del mar durante el próximo siglo según el informe del Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático 2007 para crear dos futuros escenarios de cambios climáticos En el escenario más favorable a la retención de agua subterránea dulce consistente en un 15 de incremento en la precipitación y un ascenso del nivel del mar de 018 m el resultado fue un movimiento de la interfase agua dulce / agua salada de 23 m en dirección hacia el mar un ascenso del nivel freático de 027 m y un 3 de incremento en el volumen de la lente de agua dulce En el escenario supuestamente menos favorable a la retención de agua subterránea consistente de un 2 de disminución en la precipitación y un ascenso del nivel del mar de 061 m el resultado fue un movimiento de la interfase agua dulce / agua salada de 16 m hacia el interior de la isla un ascenso del nivel freático de 059 m y 1 de incremento en el volumen de las lentes El inesperado incremento del volumen de agua subterránea bajo las condiciones de cambio climático desfavorables fue mejor explicado por una capa de arcilla bajo las islas que restringe la profundidad máxima del acuífero y permite un incremento en el volumen de las lentes de agua dulce cuando el nivel freático se eleva摘要 气候变化导致的海平面上升会对小岛屿上的淡水资源构成威胁。利用变密度瞬态地下水流模型研究了气候变化对美国纽约州一个砂质小岛Shelter岛的影响。政府间气候变化专门委员会2007年报告中关于下个世纪对降水和海平面上升的预测被用来建立两个未来气候情景。在最有利于保持地下淡水的情况下 即降水增加15和海平面上升018 m 结果是淡水/咸水界面向海方向运动23m 地下水位上升027m以及淡水透镜体含水量增加3。在最不利于保持地下淡水的情况下 即降水减少2和海平面升高061 m 结果是淡水/咸水界面向陆地方向运动16m 地下水位上升059m以及透镜体含水量增加1。不利的气候变化条件下地下水水量的增加最好的解释是 小岛下的粘土层限制了含水层的最大埋深 使地下水位上升时淡水透镜体含水量增加。É esperado que o aumento do nível das águas do mar devido às alterações climáticas tenha um impacte negativo nos recursos hídricos doces de pequenas ilhas Os efeitos das alterações climáticas na ilha de Shelter uma pequena ilha arenosa do estado de Nova Iorque EUA foram analisados com um modelo de águas subterrâneas de densidade variável e em regime transitório Para criar dois cenários de alteração do clima foram utilizadas as previsões para o próximo século do relatório “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007” relativas à precipitação e ao aumento do nível médio das águas do mar No cenário mais favorável para a manutenção das águas subterrâneas que consiste em 15 de aumento da precipitação e 018 m de aumento do nível médio das águas do mar o resultado foi um deslocamento da interface água doceágua salgada de 23 m em direcção ao mar um aumento do nível piezométrico de 027 m e um aumento de 3 do volume da lentícula de água doce No cenário julgado como mais desfavorável para a manutenção de águas subterrâneas que consiste num decréscimo de 2 da precipitação e num aumento de 061 m do nível médio da água do mar o resultado foi um deslocamento de 16 m da mesma interface para o interior um aumento do nível piezométrico em 059 m e 1 de aumento do volume da lente de água doce O aumento inesperado do volume de águas subterrâneas num cenário desfavorável de alterações climáticas foi explicado através da presença de uma camada argilosa sob a ilha que restringe a profundidade máxima do aquífero e permitiu um aumento do volume da lentícula de água doce quando o nível piezométrico sobe



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  2. Modelling groundwater flow of the Trifa aquifer, Morocco
  3. Competition between topography- and compaction-driven flow in a confined aquifer: Some analytical results
  4. Remediation scenarios for selenium contamination, Blackfoot watershed, southeast Idaho, USA
  5. Radiocarbon dating and the 36 Cl/Cl evolution of three Great Artesian Basin wells at Dalhousie, South Australia
  6. Influence of rainfall on the deformation and stability of a slope in overconsolidated clays: a case study
  7. Transport and deposition of suspended particles in saturated porous media: hydrodynamic effect
  8. Model of hydrological behaviour of the anthropized semiarid wetland of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park (Spain) based on surface water–groundwater interactions
  9. Determination of hydraulic parameters of an unconfined alluvial aquifer by the floodwave-response technique
  10. A theoretical analysis of basin-scale groundwater temperature distribution
  11. Numerical modeling of stress-permeability coupling in rough fractures
  12. Using Hydrogeochemical Methods To Evaluate Complex Quaternary Subsurface Stratigraphy Block Island, Rhode Island, USA
  13. Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources
  14. Evaluation of retention properties of a semi-synthetic fractured block from modelling at performance assessment time scales (Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden)
  15. Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and an infiltration channel: the case of Obrenovac, Serbia
  16. Interactions between groundwater and surface water: the state of the science
  17. A hydrogeological conceptual approach to study urban groundwater flow in Bucharest city, Romania
  18. Groundwater recharge: an overview of processes and challenges
  19. Integrating hydraulic conductivity with biogeochemical gradients and microbial activity along river–groundwater exchange zones in a subtropical stream
  20. Is self-regulation a myth? Case study on Spanish groundwater user associations and the role of higher-level authorities
  21. Reply to comment on “Geochemical heterogeneity and isotope geochemistry of natural attenuation processes in a gasoline-contaminated aquifer at the Hnevice site, Czech Republic”: report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2007) 15: 961-976, by Barbora Topinkova, Kamil Nesetril, Josef Datel, Ondrej Nol, Petr Hosl
  22. Automatic estimation of aquifer parameters using long-term water supply pumping and injection records
  23. Book review: Groundwater around the World: A Geographic Synopsis, by Jean Margat and Jac van der Gun (CRC Press, 2013)
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  25. The bailer test: a simple effective pumping test for assessing borehole success
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  36. Characterization of a Pleistocene thermal spring in Mozambique
  37. Ground truthing groundwater-recharge estimates derived from remotely sensed evapotranspiration: a case in South Australia
  38. Estimation of aquifer hydraulic parameters from surface geophysical measurements: a case study of the Upper Cretaceous aquifer, central Sinai, Egypt
  39. MODFLOW procedure to simulate axisymmetric flow in radially heterogeneous and layered aquifer systems
  40. Estimating groundwater recharge beneath irrigated farmland using environmental tracers fluoride, chloride and sulfate
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  42. Investigating pesticide transport in the León-Chinandega aquifer, Nicaragua
  43. Simultaneous parameter identification of a heterogeneous aquifer system using artificial neural networks
  44. A conceptual approach for assessing the impact of climate change on groundwater and related surface waters in cold regions (Finland)

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