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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Groundwater management by riverbank filtration and

Authors: Dušan Polomčić Bojan Hajdin Zoran Stevanović Dragoljub Bajić Katarina Hajdin
Publish Date: 2013/07/31
Volume: 21, Issue: 7, Pages: 1519-1530
PDF Link


The Vić Bare groundwater source is used to supply water to the population and industry of Obrenovac one of the municipalities of Belgrade the capital of Serbia It is a typical riverbank filtration site exploitation is performed through 30 drilled wells and two radial wells located in the meander of the Sava River The established hydraulic connection between the river and tapped aquifer is so great that the river regime has a dominant influence on the aquifer As a consequence of this waterdelivery reduction occurs in the dry months summer–autumn when the population needs water the most Based on the data associated with the river’s gauges precipitation quantity of pumped water and groundwaterlevel fluctuation a simulation of the groundwater regime for nonsteadystate flow conditions has been undertaken through a numerical model To overcome problems of water shortage during the dry season the possibility of artificial recharge using an infiltration channel made up of two connected parts was analyzed During the dry months 80  of the wells receive water partly from the infiltration channel In this way possibilities for extracting additional water are created The application of this concept is discussedLa source de Vić Bare est utilisée pour approvisionner la population et l’industrie de Obrenovac l’une des municipalités de Belgrade capitale de la Serbie C’est un site typique de filtration par berge l’exploitation est réalisée par 30 puits forés et deux puits à drains rayonnants localisés dans le méandre de la rivière Sava La connexion hydraulique entre la rivière et l’aquifère sollicité est si grande que le régime de la rivière a une incidence dominante sur l’aquifère Par suite la réduction de fourniture d’eau a lieu durant les mois secs été–automne lorsque les besoins de la population en eau sont le plus grands Basées sur des données associées aux jaugeages de la rivière précipitation quantité d’eau pompée et fluctuation du niveau de la nappe une simulation de régime de nappe non permanent a été entrepris à travers un modèle numérique Pour surmonter les problèmes de pénurie d’eau pendant la saison sèche la possibilité d’une recharge artificielle en utilisant un chenal d’infiltration constitué de deux sections connectées a été analysée Durant les mois secs 80  des puits reçoivent en partie l’eau du canal d’infiltration De cette façon on crée des possibilités pour prélever des volumes d’eau additionnels L’application de ce concept est discutéeLa fuente de agua subterránea de The Vić Bare se usa para el abastecimiento de agua a la población y a la industria de Obrenovac una de las municipalidades de Belgrade la capital de Serbia Es un típico sitio de filtración en las márgenes del río la explotación es realizada a través de 30 pozos perforados y dos pozos radiales localizados en el meandro del Río Sava La conexión hidráulica establecida entre el río y el acuífero explotado es tan grande que el régimen del río tiene una influencia dominante sobre el acuífero Como consecuencia de esto se produce una reducción en la entrega de agua en los meses secos verano–otoño cuando la población necesita agua en mayor medida Sobre la base de datos asociados con las mediciones de aforos la precipitación y la cantidad de agua bombeada y las fluctuaciones de nivel de agua subterránea se llevó a cabo una simulación del régimen de agua subterránea para condiciones de flujo no estacionario a través de un modelo numérico Para resolver los problemas de escasez de agua durante la estación seca se analizó la posibilidad de recarga artificial usando un canal de infiltración hecho de dos partes conectadas Durante los meses secos el 80  de los pozos recibe agua parcialmente del canal de infiltración De esta manera se crean posibilidades para una extracción adicional de agua Se discuten las aplicaciones de este conceptoA zona de Vić Bare constitui a origem da água subterrânea para fornecimento de água á população e indústria de Obrenovac um dos municípios de Belgrado capital da Sérvia É uma área típica de banco filtrante num rio a exploração é feita através de 30 furos e dois poços radiais no meandro do Rio Sava A conexão hidráulica entre o rio e o aquífero explorado é tão evidente que o regime do rio tem uma influência dominante sobre o aquífero Como consequência a redução de disponibilidade no aquífero ocorre nos meses secos verão–outono quando a população necessita de mais água Com base nos dados associados aos registos no rio à precipitação à quantidade de água bombeada e à flutuação dos níveis piezométricos foi realizada uma simulação de fluxo de águas subterrâneas para as condições de fluxo não estacionário através de um modelo numérico Para ultrapassar os problemas de escassez de água durante a época seca foi analisada a possibilidade de recarga artificial através do uso de um canal de infiltração criado a partir de duas partes conexas Durante os meses secos 80  das captações recebem água parcialmente a partir do canal de infiltração Deste modo são criadas condições para a extração de água adicional É discutida a aplicação deste conceitoIzvorište podzemnih voda Vić Bare koristi se za vodosnabdevanje stanovništva i industrije Obrenovca jedne od opština Beograda glavnog grada Srbije To je tipično priobalno izvorište u meandru reke Save a eksploatacija se vrši pomoću 30 bušenih bunara i dva bunara sa horizontalnim drenovima Zahvaljujući dobroj hidrauličkoj vezi između reke i kaptirane izdani režim reke ima dominantan uticaj na režim izdani Posledica je smanjenje kapaciteta izvorišta i redukcije u isporuci vode tokom sušnih meseci leto–jesen kada je voda stanovništvu najpotrebnija Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka o vodostajima reke padavinama količinama vode koja se crpi i nivoima podzemnih voda na numeričkom modelu je izvršena simulacija režima podzemnih voda za nestacionarne uslove filtracije U cilju prevazilaženja problema nestašice vode u sušnim periodima analizirana je i mogućnost veštačkog prihranjivanja izgradnjom infiltracionog kanala koji bi se sastojao iz dva povezana dela Tokom sušnih meseci od ukupnog broja bunara na izvorištu 80  bunara dobijalo bi deo vode iz infiltracionog kanala Na taj način stvaraju se mogućnosti za zahvatanje dodatnih količina vode U radu se razmatra primena ovakvog konceptualnog rešenja



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Other Papers In This Journal:

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  2. Modelling groundwater flow of the Trifa aquifer, Morocco
  3. Competition between topography- and compaction-driven flow in a confined aquifer: Some analytical results
  4. Remediation scenarios for selenium contamination, Blackfoot watershed, southeast Idaho, USA
  5. Radiocarbon dating and the 36 Cl/Cl evolution of three Great Artesian Basin wells at Dalhousie, South Australia
  6. Influence of rainfall on the deformation and stability of a slope in overconsolidated clays: a case study
  7. Transport and deposition of suspended particles in saturated porous media: hydrodynamic effect
  8. Model of hydrological behaviour of the anthropized semiarid wetland of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park (Spain) based on surface water–groundwater interactions
  9. Determination of hydraulic parameters of an unconfined alluvial aquifer by the floodwave-response technique
  10. A theoretical analysis of basin-scale groundwater temperature distribution
  11. Numerical modeling of stress-permeability coupling in rough fractures
  12. Using Hydrogeochemical Methods To Evaluate Complex Quaternary Subsurface Stratigraphy Block Island, Rhode Island, USA
  13. Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources
  14. Evaluation of retention properties of a semi-synthetic fractured block from modelling at performance assessment time scales (Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden)
  15. Interactions between groundwater and surface water: the state of the science
  16. A hydrogeological conceptual approach to study urban groundwater flow in Bucharest city, Romania
  17. Groundwater recharge: an overview of processes and challenges
  18. Integrating hydraulic conductivity with biogeochemical gradients and microbial activity along river–groundwater exchange zones in a subtropical stream
  19. Is self-regulation a myth? Case study on Spanish groundwater user associations and the role of higher-level authorities
  20. Reply to comment on “Geochemical heterogeneity and isotope geochemistry of natural attenuation processes in a gasoline-contaminated aquifer at the Hnevice site, Czech Republic”: report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2007) 15: 961-976, by Barbora Topinkova, Kamil Nesetril, Josef Datel, Ondrej Nol, Petr Hosl
  21. Automatic estimation of aquifer parameters using long-term water supply pumping and injection records
  22. Book review: Groundwater around the World: A Geographic Synopsis, by Jean Margat and Jac van der Gun (CRC Press, 2013)
  23. Effect of sorption intensities on dispersivity and macro-dispersion coefficient in a single fracture with matrix diffusion
  24. The bailer test: a simple effective pumping test for assessing borehole success
  25. Groundwater resources in the Upper Guadiana Basin (Spain): a regional modelling analysis
  26. Evaluation of graphical and multivariate statistical methods for classification of water chemistry data
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  28. Thermal tracer testing in a sedimentary aquifer: field experiment (Lauswiesen, Germany) and numerical simulation
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  30. The role of faulting on surface deformation patterns from pumping-induced groundwater flow (Las Vegas Valley, USA)
  31. Investigating the influence of aquifer heterogeneity on the potential for thermal free convection in the Yarragadee Aquifer, Western Australia
  32. Dynamics and interaction of organic carbon, turbidity and bacteria in a karst aquifer system
  33. Effect of advective mass transfer on field scale fluid and solute movement: Field and modeling studies at a waste disposal site in fractured rock at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
  34. The impact of intensive groundwater abstraction on recharge to a shallow regional aquifer system: evidence from Bangladesh
  35. Characterization of a Pleistocene thermal spring in Mozambique
  36. Ground truthing groundwater-recharge estimates derived from remotely sensed evapotranspiration: a case in South Australia
  37. Estimation of aquifer hydraulic parameters from surface geophysical measurements: a case study of the Upper Cretaceous aquifer, central Sinai, Egypt
  38. MODFLOW procedure to simulate axisymmetric flow in radially heterogeneous and layered aquifer systems
  39. Estimating groundwater recharge beneath irrigated farmland using environmental tracers fluoride, chloride and sulfate
  40. Effects of climate change on groundwater resources at Shelter Island, New York State, USA
  41. Simulated impacts of artificial groundwater recharge and discharge on the source area and source volume of an Atlantic Coastal Plain stream, Delaware, USA
  42. Investigating pesticide transport in the León-Chinandega aquifer, Nicaragua
  43. Simultaneous parameter identification of a heterogeneous aquifer system using artificial neural networks
  44. A conceptual approach for assessing the impact of climate change on groundwater and related surface waters in cold regions (Finland)

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