Authors: L Manzari A M Burgess I S Curthoys
Publish Date: 2011/09/07
Volume: 269, Issue: 1, Pages: 349-352
Patient complaints of dizziness or vertigo can arise from a variety of causes and to identify the cause it is necessary to have measures of the comparative functional status of the vestibular sense organs of both ears One of the most difficult problems facing the clinician is the measurement of peripheral vestibular function in a patient with congenital nystagmus The nystagmus ongoing even in full light 1 2 means that calibration of eye movements is problematic so that the tests using objective measures of eye movements such as caloric nystagmus or the video head impulse test vHIT test 3 cannot be obtained reliablyHere we report that there is a measure of peripheral vestibular function which can be measured during congenital nystagmus that shows the comparative functional status of both labyrinths in such a patient It is the ocular vestibularevoked myogenic potential the oVEMP measured in response to brief 6 ms repeated presentations of 500 Hz bone