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Abbravation: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Transoral robotic surgery TORS with the Medrobot

Authors: M Remacle V M N Prasad G Lawson L Plisson V Bachy S Van der Vorst
Publish Date: 2015/02/08
Volume: 272, Issue: 6, Pages: 1451-1455
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Head and neck surgery can be fraught with difficulties in accessing the pharynx and larynx Minimally invasive surgery has developed with the recent advances in technology Currently we have a variety of highdefinition multichannel videoendoscopes and robots in our armamentarium We present our experience in a new robotic surgical system—’The Medrobotics Flex™ System’ at our tertiary referral unit We aimed to assess the safety functionality and ease of use of this new device in this prospective study Thus far this is the first study in live human subjects who have undergone surgery for the following conditions 1 obstructive sleep apnoea involving the base of tongue the tonsil and the velum 2 vocal fold polyp 3 carcinoma of the lateral edge of the tongue There were no complications in our series and the system provided good visualisation and access to these subsites without compromising safety or success In summary we found the Medrobotics Flex™ System to have certain other advantages including ease of set up and use besides being reliable and safe



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Other Papers In This Journal:

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  5. Endolymphatic duct blockage: quality of life assessment of a novel surgical technique for Ménière disease
  6. Differences in Mucociliary activity of volunteers undergoing Ramadan versus Nineveh fasting
  7. A schwannoma mimicing hypopharyngeal carcinoma
  8. Evaluation of hearing in patients with familial Mediterranean fever
  9. Clinical analysis of extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the sinonasal tract
  10. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Peroral endoscopic removal: as a minimally invasive long-term surgical treatment of a regurgitated giant polisegmented fibrovascular polyp of the esophagus
  11. Occupation and cancer of the larynx: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  12. Role of near-infrared fluorescence imaging in head and neck cancer surgery: from animal models to humans
  13. Extended lateral thoracic fasciocutaneous biosynthetic flap for reconstruction of full-thickness partial external ear defects: an experimental study
  14. A trans-well-based cellular model for the rapid pre-evaluation of tympanic membrane repair materials
  15. Lateral sphenoid sinus recess cerebrospinal fluid leak: a case series
  16. External septal reconstruction with the use of polydioxanone foil: our experience
  17. Microbial colonization of tracheoesophageal voice prostheses (Provox2) following total laryngectomy
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  19. Multilevel radiofrequency ablation for snoring and OSAHS patients therapy: long-term outcomes
  20. No benefit for regional control and survival by planned neck dissection in primary irradiated oropharyngeal cancer irrespective of p16 expression
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  23. Utility of an intraoperative ultrasound in lateral approach mini-parathyroidectomy with discordant pre-operative imaging
  24. The effects of CPAP treatment on nasal mucosa in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
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  28. Progressive hearing loss in Fabry’s disease: a case report
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  79. Factors confusing the diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux: the role of allergic rhinitis and inter-rater variability of laryngeal findings
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  81. Experiences and preferences of patients visiting a head and neck oncology outpatient clinic: a qualitative study
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  83. Antitumor effects of Dasatinib on laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma in vivo and in vitro
  84. Review and evaluation of: European Manual of Medicine
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  88. Management of acoustic neuroma in the only hearing ear
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  90. The promoter mutation c.−259C>T (−3438C>T) is not a common cause of non-syndromic hearing impairment in Austria
  91. Influence of anatomy and head position on intranasal drug deposition
  92. Prognostic indicators of hearing after complete resection of cholesteatoma causing a labyrinthine fistula
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  94. Regional metastatic pattern of papillary thyroid carcinoma
  95. Platinum-induced ototoxicity: a review of prevailing ototoxicity criteria
  96. Low blood levels of sTWEAK are related to locoregional failure in head and neck cancer
  97. Evaluating d -methionine dose to attenuate oxidative stress-mediated hearing loss following overexposure to noise
  98. Functional variants of MIF, INFG and TFNA genes are not associated with disease susceptibility or hearing loss progression in patients with Ménière’s disease
  99. Basic fibroblast growth factor expression in recurrent versus non-recurrent nasal polyposis
  100. Public awareness of ear and hearing management as measured using a specific questionnaire
  101. Hearing results of surgery for tympanosclerosis

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