Authors: Hagen Scherb Kristina Voigt
Publish Date: 2012/03/16
Volume: 19, Issue: 4, Pages: 1335-1340
Our findings and methods concerning the disturbed human sex odds at birth have been criticized in this journal for being artifacts of data mining that the concept of statistical significance was misunderstood and that confounding factors have not been accounted for Here we show that this criticism has no basis We applied wellestablished statistical methods to large official data sets and confounding is less important at the level of secular sex odds trends in aggregated annual figures from countries or continentsMoreover our results are strengthened by recent findings concerning increased infant death sex odds in Germany and increased Down syndrome prevalence at birth across Europe after Chernobyl Prompted by our studies an official investigation in Lower Saxony Germany by the “Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt NLGA” confirmed our observation of severely escalated sex odds within 40 km distance from the nuclear storage site in Gorleben GermanyOur special thanks go to Dr Gerhard Welzl Helmholtz Center Munich for providing statistical input and to DiplIng Ralf Kusmierz DiplMath Karsten Rodenacker and DiplMath Johannes Tritschler Helmholtz Center Munich for contributing to the content and style of our paper We are also grateful to an anonymous reviewer for valuable suggestions We are especially grateful to Prof Walter Krämer for raising issues which gave us the opportunity to clarify our previously published results as well as to underlie them by newer findings and considerations