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Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers

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Boundary condition at the junction

Authors: Mark Harmer Boris Pavlov Adil Yafyasov
Publish Date: 2007/01/18
Volume: 6, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 153-157
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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Towards the global modeling of InGaAs-based pseudomorphic HEMTs
  2. Influence of skin effect on the series resistance of millimeter-wave IMPATT devices
  3. Analog and RF performance investigation of cylindrical surrounding-gate MOSFET with an analytical pseudo-2D model
  4. Performance analysis of fully depleted triple material surrounding gate (TMSG) SOI MOSFET
  5. First-principles study of spin transport in $$\hbox {CrO}_{2}\hbox {-SiCNT-CrO}_{2}$$ magnetic tunnel junction
  6. Full band Monte Carlo simulation of dislocation effects on 250 nm AlGaN-GaN HEMT
  7. Quantum dot blinking: relevance to physical limits for nanoscale optoelectronic device
  8. Electron transport in self-switching nano-diodes
  9. Electron transport in self-switching nano-diodes
  10. Piezoelectric effects on carrier capturing time in a hybrid p–n junction system: a numerical study using finite element method
  11. Issues in the modeling of carbon nanotube FETs: Structure, gate thickness, and azimuthal asymmetry
  12. Regional approach to model charges and capacitances of intrinsic carbon nanotube field effect transistors
  13. Dielectric pocket double gate junctionless FET: a new MOS structure with improved subthreshold characteristics for low power VLSI applications
  14. Current progress in modeling self-heating effects in FD SOI devices and nanowire transistors
  15. Composition dependence of fundamental properties of $$\hbox {Cd}_{\mathrm{1-x}}\hbox {Co}_\mathrm{x}$$Te magnetic semiconductor alloys
  16. A new source heterojunction strained channel structure for ballistic gate all around nanowire transistor
  17. Modeling and simulation of the diffusive transport in a nanoscale Double-Gate MOSFET
  18. Yield-driven power-delay-optimal CMOS full-adder design complying with automotive product specifications of PVT variations and NBTI degradations
  19. Computational study of double-gate graphene nano-ribbon transistors
  20. A new approach to analyzing anisotropic and non-parabolic effects on quantum wires
  21. 3D simulation of a silicon quantum dot in a magnetic field based on current spin density functional theory
  22. Numerical analysis of electron optical system with microchannel plate
  23. Exploration of Na + ,K + -ATPase ion permeation pathways via molecular dynamic simulation and electrostatic analysis

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