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Influence of skin effect on the series resistance

Authors: Aritra Acharyya Suranjana Banerjee J P Banerjee
Publish Date: 2013/06/15
Volume: 12, Issue: 3, Pages: 511-525
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An attempt is made in this paper to study the influence of skin depth on the parasitic series resistance of millimeterwave IMPATT devices based on Silicon The method is based on the concept of depletion width modulation of the device under largesignal condition A largesignal simulation model based on nonsinusoidal voltage excitation is used for this study The electric field snapshots of 35 GHz SingleDrift Region SDR and 94 GHz DoubleDrift Region DDR IMPATT devices are first obtained from which the series resistances are estimated by incorporating the effect of skin depth in the modeling and simulation The series resistances of these devices are also obtained by neglecting the effect of skin depth The values of series resistances obtained from the simulation are compared with the corresponding experimentally reported values It is observed that the series resistance estimated by including the skin effect is in closer agreement with the experimental values as compared to that without including the same Thus the skin effect plays an important role for determining the series resistance of IMPATT devices at millimeterwave frequency bands



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