Authors: XiaoLing Jia Juan Chen Mian Long
Publish Date: 2009/08/23
Volume: 54, Issue: 16, Pages: 2786-2793
Lselectin plays a crucial role in inflammation cascade by initiating the tethering and rolling of leukocytes on endothelium wall While many Lselectin molecules are rapidly shed from the cell surface upon activation the remaining membraneanchored Lselectin may still play an important role in regulating leukocyte rolling and adhesion with different binding kinetics Here we developed an in vitro model to activate Jurkat cells via interlukin8 IL8 and quantified the twodimensional 2D binding kinetics using a micropipette aspiration assay of membraneanchored Lselectin to Pselectin glycoprotein ligand 1 PSGL1 ligand coupled onto human red blood cells RBCs The data indicated that Lselectin shedding reduced the amount of membraneanchored Lselectin and lowered both its reverse and forward rates These results suggested that the rolling dynamics of activated leukocytes was determined by two opposite impacts reducing the surface presentation would enhance the rolling but lowering the kinetic rates would decrease the rolling This finding provides a new insight into understanding how Lselectin shedding regulates leukocyte rolling and adhesionSupported by the National Basic Research Program of China Grant No 2006CB910303 National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos 30730032 10332060 Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences Grant No KJCX2YWL08 and National HighTech Research and Development Program of China Grant No 2007AA02Z306