Authors: Wenrong Hu Peiqi Liu Haiyan Pei
Publish Date: 2013/08/30
Volume: 48, Issue: 9, Pages: 862-868
Both O3 and ClO2 have a high effect on inactivatingalgae in source water with no forming THMs which do harm to human in producing drinking water so they will be favorably substituted for Cl2 In order to make certain of the mechanism of inactivating algae with O3 and ClO2 the algal cell number change and its different characteristics of figures and structures in treated and untreated water have been studied by the microscopy and SEM and the mode of inactivating algae has been inferred The results show that the mechanism of inactivating algae by O3 is not completely identical with that by ClO2 The actual reaction process and efficiency have been controlled by many factors such as the different characteristics of oxidants and algal cells