Authors: Gang Liu ShengBao Xu ZhongFu Ni ChaoJie Xie DanDan Qin Jing Li LaHu Lu JinPing Zhang HuiRu Peng QiXin Sun
Publish Date: 2011/05/18
Volume: 56, Issue: 18, Pages: 1897-
In wheat plant height is an important agronomic trait and a number of quantitative trait loci QTLs controlling plant height have been located In this study using the conditional and unconditional QTL mapping methods combined with data from five different growth stages over two years of field trials the developmental behavior for plant height in wheat was dissected Nine unconditional QTLs and 8 conditional QTLs were identified of which 6 were detected by both methods None of the 11 QTLs was detected at all of the 5 investigated developmental stages but 7 QTLs were detected at certain stages in both years Further analysis identified 9 unconditional QTLs at different stages which could explain the phenotypic variation from 481 to 1735 It was noteworthy that one major QTL designated QHt4B2 which was located on chromosome 4B was detected on May 18 and 25 in both years and its genetic contributions to plant height ranged from 1342 to 1613 Moreover of the 8 conditional QTLs identified six were detected in both years in the order of QHt3B→QHt4B1→QHt4B2→QHt4D→QHt5A and QHt2B expressed at the same developmental stage The results indicate that QTL expression during plant height development is selective and in a temporal orderThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team