Authors: Dong Han FuLong Liao
Publish Date: 2012/09/07
Volume: 57, Issue: 27, Pages: 3541-3546
Activating Blood Circulation to Remove Blood Stasis ABCRBS has long been the most fundamental therapeutic principle since the age of Yellow Emperor circa 2600 BC in Chinese medicine Based on bioresponses of blood shear stress which was not considered in Chinese medicine we have initiated the merging of biomechanics with pharmacology and Chinese medicine establishing the new discipline—biomechanopharmacology Practice of exercise is a simple and selfregulatory way to promote shear stress in the circulation Interestingly acupuncture and massage are also linked with shear stress regulation These procedures are expected to maintain normal functions of endothelial cells ECs by regulating shear stress levels of flowing blood The statement of “Diseases are prevented as blood flow is promoted” by the renowned ancient physician Huatuo who presented the wise foresight of the efficacy of shear stress would likely begin a new chapter in preventive pharmacology and medicine in the years to comeThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team