Authors: Yue Liu ChengZhi Huang
Publish Date: 2013/03/02
Volume: 58, Issue: 17, Pages: 1969-1979
Single scattering particles especially noble metal plasmonic nanoparticles based analytical techniques are attractive recently and becoming the research focus of the light scattering analytical techniques In this mini review we summarize the single scattering particles based analytical techniques in the past decade including single scattering particles counting single plasmonic nanoparticles sensing and single plasmonic nanoparticles tracking/imaging We emphasize the discussion on the single plasmonic nanoparticles sensing that combines with darkfield microscopy and resonant Rayleigh scattering spectroscopyThis article is published under an open access license Please check the Copyright Information section for details of this license and what reuse is permitted If your intended use exceeds what is permitted by the license or if you are unable to locate the licence and reuse information please contact the Rights and Permissions team