Authors: B Tóth G Galiba E Fehér J Sutka J W Snape
Publish Date: 2003/05/07
Volume: 107, Issue: 3, Pages: 509-514
Two populations of single chromosome recombinant lines were used to map genes controlling flowering time on chromosome 5B of wheat and one of the populations was also used to map a new frost resistance gene Genetic maps were developed mainly using microsatellite markers and QTL analysis was applied to phenotypic data on the performance of each population collected from growthroom tests of flowering time and frost tolerance Using a recombinant substitutionline mapping population derived from a cross between the substitutionline Chinese Spring Cheyenne 5B and Chinese Spring CS the gene VrnB1 affecting vernalization response an earliness per se locus Eps5BL1 and a gene FrB1 affecting frost resistance were mapped Using a Hobbit Sib Chinese Spring 5BL × Hobbit Sib recombinant substitution line mapping population an earliness per se locus Eps5BL2 was mapped The VrnB1 locus was mapped on the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 5B to a region syntenous with the segments of chromosomes 5A and 5D containing VrnA1 and VrnD1 loci respectively The two Eps5BL loci were mapped close to the centromere with a 16cM distance from each other one in agreement with the position of a homoeologous locus previously mapped on chromosome 5H of barley and suggested by the response of Chinese Spring deletion lines The FrB1 gene was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 5B 40 cM from the centromeric marker Previous comparative mapping data with rice chromosome 9 would suggest that this gene could be orthologous to the other Fr genes mapped previously by us on chromosomes 5A or 5D of wheat although in a more proximal position This study completes the mapping of these homoeoallelic series of vernalization requirement genes and frost resistance genes on the chromosomes of the homoeologous group 5 in wheatWe especially thank L Fish for her help in the flowering time experiments and V Verma for his technical advice This work was carried out using a Marie Curie Training Site Fellowship HPMTCT200000033 This research was also supported by grants from the Hungarian National Research Found Nos T034277 and T030027 from the National Comittee for Technological Development Biotechnology 2000 No 02579/2000 and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council