Authors: Fabienne Wichmann Torben Asp Franco Widmer Roland Kölliker
Publish Date: 2010/10/26
Volume: 122, Issue: 3, Pages: 567-579
Xanthomonas translucens pv graminis Xtg causes bacterial wilt a severe disease of forage grasses such as Italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam In order to gain a more detailed understanding of the genetic control of resistance mechanisms and to provide prerequisites for marker assisted selection the partial transcriptomes of two Italian ryegrass genotypes one resistant and one susceptible to bacterial wilt were compared at four time points after Xtg infection A cDNA microarray developed from a perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne expressed sequence tag set consisting of 9990 unique genes was used for transcriptome analysis in Italian ryegrass An average of 4487 45 of the perennial ryegrass sequences spotted on the cDNA microarray were detected by crosshybridisation to Italian ryegrass Transcriptome analyses of the resistant versus the susceptible genotype revealed substantial gene expression differences 1200 indicating that great gene expression differences between different Italian ryegrass genotypes exist which potentially contribute to the observed phenotypic divergence in Xtg resistance between the two genotypes In the resistant genotype several genes differentially expressed after Xtg inoculation were identified which revealed similarities to transcriptional changes triggered by pathogenassociated molecular patterns in other plant–pathogen interactions These genes represent candidate genes of particular interest for the development of tools for marker assisted resistance breedingThis research was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF Project 3100A0112582 We would like to thank L B Jensen B Studer and L B Holte for technical and personal assistance in the department of Genetics and Biotechnology at Det Jorbrugvidenskabelige Fakultet DJF University of Aarhus Special thanks are extended to S Reinhard and P Streckeisen for technical assistance at Agroscope ReckenholzTänikon HP Piepho and A Schützenmeister for help with the experimental design and H Rehrauer from the Functional Genomics Center Zürich for assistance with the statistical analyses