Authors: Norma Constanza ManriqueCarpintero James G Tokuhisa Idit Ginzberg Richard E Veilleux
Publish Date: 2013/11/05
Volume: 127, Issue: 2, Pages: 391-405
Genetic factors associated with the biosynthesis and accumulation of steroidal glycoalkaloids SGAs in potato were addressed by a candidate gene approach and whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism SNP genotyping Allelic sequences spanning coding regions of four candidate genes 3hydroxy3methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 2 HMG2 23squalene epoxidase solanidine galactosyltransferase and solanidine glucosyltransferase SGT2 were obtained from two potato species differing in SGA composition Solanum chacoense chc 801 and Solanum tuberosum group Phureja phu DH An F2 population was genotyped and foliar SGAs quantified The concentrations of αsolanine αchaconine leptine I leptine II and total SGAs varied broadly among F2 individuals F2 plants with chc 801 alleles for HMG2 or SGT2 accumulated significantly greater leptines and total SGAs compared to plants with phu DH alleles Plants with chc 801 alleles at both loci expressed the greatest levels of total SGAs αsolanine and αchaconine A significant positive correlation was found between αsolanine and αchaconine accumulation as well as between leptine I and leptine II A whole genome SNP genotyping analysis of an F2 subsample verified the importance of chc 801 alleles at HMG2 and SGT2 for SGA synthesis and accumulation and suggested additional candidate genes including some previously associated with SGA production Loci on five and seven potato pseudochromosomes were associated with synthesis and accumulation of SGAs respectively Two loci on pseudochromosomes 1 and 6 explained phenotypic segregation of αsolanine and αchaconine synthesis Knowledge of the genetic factors influencing SGA production in potato may assist breeding for pest resistanceThis research was supported by Research Grant No IS413408 R from BARD The United States—Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund We thank Suzanne Piovano for technical assistance Maichel Miguel Aguayo Bustos for programming help Anne Ryan of the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis LISA for statistical consultation