Authors: JuKyung Yu Ramesh V Kantety Elizabeth Graznak David Benscher Hailu Tefera Mark E Sorrells
Publish Date: 2006/08/10
Volume: 113, Issue: 6, Pages: 1093-1102
Tef Eragrostis tef Zucc Trotter is the major cereal crop in Ethiopia Tef is an allotetraploid with a base chromosome number of 10 2n = 4x = 40 and a genome size of 730 Mbp Ninetyfour F9 recombinant inbred lines RIL derived from the interspecific cross Eragrostis tef cv Kaye Murri × Eragrostis pilosa accession 305 were mapped using restriction fragment length polymorphisms RFLP simple sequence repeats derived from expressed sequence tags EST–SSR single nucleotide polymorphism/insertion and deletion SNP/INDEL intron fragment length polymorphism IFLP and intersimple sequence repeat amplification ISSR A total of 156 loci from 121 markers was grouped into 21 linkage groups at LOD 4 and the map covered 20815 cM with a mean density of 123 cM per locus Three putative homoeologous groups were identified based on multilocus markers Sixteen percent of the loci deviated from normal segregation with a predominance of E tef alleles and a majority of the distorted loci were clustered on three linkage groups This map will be useful for further genetic studies in tef including mapping of loci controlling quantitative traits QTL and comparative analysis with other cereal cropsJK Yu and RV Kantety contributed equally to the research described herein The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program Grant 00933 and Hatch project 149419 We are grateful to Drs Susan McCouch at Cornell University Bikram Gill at Kansas State University Andrew Paterson and Katrien Devos at University of Georgia for providing the primers of RM KSUM SRSC/PRSC and inf/lfm markers respectively We also wish to acknowledge R Greene C Bermudez and C T Jayasuriya for their generous assistance