Authors: Ottó Törjék Hanna WituckaWall Rhonda C Meyer Maria von Korff Barbara Kusterer Carsten Rautengarten Thomas Altmann
Publish Date: 2006/09/19
Volume: 113, Issue: 8, Pages: 1551-1561
A new large set of reciprocal recombinant inbred lines RILs was created between the Arabidopsis accessions Col0 and C24 for quantitative trait mapping approaches consisting of 209 Col0 × C24 and 214 C24 × Col0 F7 RI lines Genotyping was performed using 110 evenly distributed framework single nucleotide polymorphism markers yielding a genetic map of 42570 cM with an average interval of 387 cM Segregation distortion SD was observed in several genomic regions during the construction of the genetic map Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed an association between a distorted region at the bottom of chromosome V and a nondistorted region on chromosome IV A detailed analysis of the RILs for these two regions showed that an SD occurred when homozygous Col0 alleles on chromosome IV coincided with homozygous C24 alleles at the bottom of chromosome V Using nearly isogenic lines segregating for the distorted region we confirmed that this genotypic composition leads to reduced fertility and fitnessWe thank Maik Zehnsdorf Melanie Lück and Monique Zeh for excellent technical assistance and Katrin Seehaus and Steffi Zimmermann for plant care This work was supported by a grants of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF 0312275A 0313061 as part of the GABI program to TA grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft DFG to TA and RCM AL 387/61 62 and to BK ME 931/41 42 a grant of the European Community to TA QLG2CT200101097 and by the MaxPlanckSociety