Authors: Jens Bojahr Ottilia Nhengiwa Nicolas Krezdorn Björn Rotter Bernhard Saal Brigitte RugeWehling Christine Struck Peter Winter
Publish Date: 2016/07/19
Volume: 129, Issue: 10, Pages: 1915-1932
Stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis subsp graminicola is a severe fungal disease in the forage crop perennial ryegrass and other grasses The previously identified LpPg1 locus confers efficient resistance against the pathogen The aim of this study was to identify candidate genes involved in rust resistance and to use them as a resource for the development of molecular markers for LpPg1 To identify such candidates bulked segregant analysis was combined with NGSbased massive analysis of cDNA ends MACE transcriptome profiling Total RNA was isolated from bulks of infected and noninfected leaf segments from susceptible and resistant genotypes of a fullsibling mapping population and their respective parental lines and MACE was performed Bioinformatic analysis detected 330 resistancespecific SNPs in 178 transcripts and 341 transcripts that were exclusively expressed in the resistant bulk The sequences of many of these transcripts were homologous to genes in distinct regions of chromosomes one and four of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon Of these 30 were genetically mapped to a 508 cM spanning region surrounding the LpPg1 locus One candidate NBSLRR gene cosegregated with the resistance locus Quantitative analysis of gene expression suggests that LpPg1 mediates an efficient resistance mechanism characterized by early recognition of the pathogen fast defense signaling and rapid induction of antifungal proteins We demonstrate here that MACE is a costefficient fast and reliable tool that detects polymorphisms for genetic mapping of candidate resistance genes and simultaneously reveals deep insight into the molecular and genetic base of resistanceThe project was supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture BMEL based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany via the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food BLE under the innovation support program FKZ 51106012814501010