Authors: H M Pearl C Nagai P H Moore D L Steiger R V Osgood R Ming
Publish Date: 2003/11/05
Volume: 108, Issue: 5, Pages: 829-835
We have used AFLPs to construct a genetic linkage map on a pseudoF2 population of arabica coffee Coffea arabica L derived from a cross between the cultivars Mokka hybrid and Catimor Sixty trees from this population were selected on the basis of plant height distribution to construct a linkage map A total of 456 dominant markers and eight codominant markers were generated from 288 AFLP primer combinations Of the total number of markers generated 68 were from cv Catimor 30 from cv Mokka hybrid and 2 were codominant This distribution suggests that the heterozygosity within the cv Catimor subgenomes was twice that within the cv Mokka hybrid subgenomes Linkage groups were constructed using MAPMAKER version 30 resulting in 16 major linkage groups containing 4–21 markers and 15 small linkage groups consisting of 2–3 linked markers each The total length of the map was 18028 cM with an average distance of 102 cM between adjacent markers This genetic map will serve as the framework for mapping QTL controlling sourcesink traits in the same populationWe thank Susan Ancheta for technical assistance Andrew Paterson for constructive discussions Leslie Poland for planting and tending the mapping population at the Kunia substation and Melinda Moore Zhiyong Liu and Stephanie Whalen for reviewing the manuscript This work was supported by a US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Cooperative Agreement No CA 5853208134 with the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center