Authors: Paul A Johnston Vijitha Meiyalaghan Merle E Forbes Antje Habekuß Ruth C Butler Richard Pickering
Publish Date: 2015/03/24
Volume: 128, Issue: 6, Pages: 1137-1149
The Hordeum bulbosum introgression line ‘182Q20’ possesses resistance to barley leaf rust Rph22 and Barley mild mosaic virus Rym16 Hb located on chromosome 2HL Unfortunately this line also carries a considerable yield penalty compared with its barley genetic background ‘Golden Promise’ Quantitative trait locus QTL mapping of the components of yield total yield thousand grain weight hectolitre weight percentage screenings and screened yield was performed using 75 recombinant lines derived from the original ‘182Q20’ introgression line A QTL for the yield penalty was located in the proximal region of the introgressed segment Marker assisted selection targeting intraspecific recombination events between overlapping H bulbosum introgression segments was used to develop the lines ‘372E’ and ‘372H’ which feature genetically small introgressions around Rph22 Further yield trials validated the separation of both Rph22 and Rym16 Hb from the proximal yield penalty These results combined with molecular markers closely linked to Rph22 and Rym16 Hb make these resistance genes more attractive for barley breedingThe authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of Andy Hay Russell HarrisonKirk and their team for sowing managing and harvesting the field trials Dr Soonie Chng for glasshouse leaf rust screening of line ‘372E’ and Donna Gibson for formatting of Fig 1 Also thanks go to Dr Samantha Baldwin Andy Hay and Dr Bill Griffin for critical reading of this manuscript Funding for this research was initially provided by the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology contract number C06X0810 and more recently supported by Plant and Food Research Core funding