Authors: Sarolta Hoffmann Gabriele Di Gaspero László Kovács Susanne Howard Erzsébet Kiss Zsuzsanna Galbács Raffaele Testolin Pál Kozma
Publish Date: 2007/12/07
Volume: 116, Issue: 3, Pages: 427-438
Vitis vinifera ‘Kishmish vatkana’ a cultivated grapevine from Central Asia does not produce visible symptoms in response to natural or artificial inoculation with the fungus Erysiphe necator Schwein the casual agent of powdery mildew ‘Kishmish vatkana’ allowed pathogen entry into epidermal cells at a rate comparable to that in the susceptible control Vitis vinifera ‘Nimrang’ but was able to limit subsequent hyphal proliferation Density of conidiophores was significantly lower in ‘Kishmish vatkana’ 336 ± 87 conidiophores mm−2 than in ‘Nimrang’ 3105 ± 240 conidiophores mm−2 by 120 h after inoculation A progeny of 310 plants from a ‘Nimrang’ × ‘Kishmish vatkana’ cross were scored for the presence or absence of visible conidiophores throughout two successive seasons Phenotypic segregation revealed the presence of a single dominant allele termed Resistance to Erysiphe necator 1 REN1 which was heterozygous in ‘Kishmish vatkana’ A bulked segregant analysis was carried out using 195 microsatellite markers uniformly distributed across the entire genome For each marker association with the resistance trait was inferred by measuring in the bulks the ratio of peak intensities of the two alleles inherited from ‘Kishmish vatkana’ The phenotypic locus was assigned to linkage group 13 a genomic region in which no disease resistance had been reported previously The REN1 position was restricted to a 74 cM interval by analyzing the 310 offspring for the segregation of markers that surrounded the target region The closest markers VMC9H42 VMCNG4E101 and UDV020 were located 09 cM away from the REN1 locusWe thank the Uzbek Research Institute of Horticulture Viticulture and Enology Tashkent Uzbekistan for kindly providing the original plant of ‘Kishmish vatkana’ We also thank A Pfeiffer for SSR genotyping A Szabo for plant growing and T Dula for phenotypic tests W Qiu for facilitating the transfer of ‘Kishmish vatkana’ to Missouri State University and J Howard and C Coleman for proofreading the manuscript This research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA K62535 USDACSREES Federal Appropriation Grant 20043890102138 and by the Regional Administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia Italy