Authors: V S Bogdanova O E Kosterin A K Yadrikhinskiy
Publish Date: 2014/03/12
Volume: 127, Issue: 5, Pages: 1163-1172
In reciprocal crosses of seven divergent pea accessions with cultivated P sativum some alleles of Scs1 manifested incompatibility with an alien cytoplasm as a decrease in pollen fertility to about 50 in the heterozygotes and lack of some genotypic classes among F2 segregants Earlier we defined monophyletic evolutionary lineages A B C and D of pea according to allelic state of three markers from nuclear plastid and mitochondrial genomes All tested representatives of wild peas from the lineages A and C exhibited incompatibility due to Scs1 deleterious effects in crosses with testerlines of P sativum subsp sativum the common cultivated pea at least in one direction A wild pea from the lineage B and a cultivated pea from the lineage D were compatible with the testerline in both directions The tested accession of cultivated P abyssinicum lineage A was partially compatible in both directions The Scs1 alleles of some pea accessions even originating from the same geographic area were remarkably different in their compatibility with cultivated Pisum sativum cytoplasm