Authors: Peng Wang Yajuan Zhu Xianliang Song Zhibin Cao Yezhang Ding Bingliang Liu Xiefei Zhu Sen Wang Wangzhen Guo Tianzhen Zhang
Publish Date: 2012/02/02
Volume: 124, Issue: 8, Pages: 1415-1428
Gossypium hirsutum is a high yield cotton species that exhibits only moderate performance in fiber qualities A promising but challenging approach to improving its phenotypes is interspecific introgression the transfer of valuable traits or genes from the germplasm of another species such as G barbadense an important cultivated extra long staple cotton species One set of chromosome segment introgression lines CSILs was developed where TM1 the genetic standard in G hirsutum was used as the recipient parent and the long staple cotton G barbadense Hai7124 was used as the donor parent by molecular markerassisted selection MAS in BC5S1–4 and BC4S1–3 generations After four rounds of MAS the CSIL population was comprised of 174 lines containing 298 introgressed segments of which 86 494 lines had single introgressed segments The total introgressed segment length covered 29487 cM with an average length of 167 cM and represented 833 of tetraploid cotton genome The CSILs were highly varied in major fiber qualities By integrated analysis of data collected in four environments a total of 43 additive quantitative trait loci QTL and six epistatic QTL associated with fiber qualities were detected by QTL IciMapping 30 and multiQTL joint analysis Six stable QTL were detected in various environments The CSILs developed and the analyses presented here will enhance the understanding of the genetics of fiber qualities in long staple G barbadense and facilitate further molecular breeding to improve fiber quality in Upland cotton