Authors: Rasha Kalih Hans Peter Maurer Bernd Hackauf Thomas Miedaner
Publish Date: 2014/05/24
Volume: 127, Issue: 7, Pages: 1527-1536
Triticale an amphiploid hybrid between durum wheat and rye is an European cereal mainly grown in Germany France Poland and Belarus for feeding purposes Dwarfing genes might further improve the genetic potential of triticale concerning lodging resistance and yield However they might have pleiotropic effects on other agronomically important traits including Fusarium head blight Therefore we analyzed a population of 199 doubled haploid DH lines of the cross HeTi11706 × Pigmej for plant height heading stage and FHB severity across 2 locations and 2 years The most prominent QTL was detected on chromosome 5R explaining 48 77 and 71 of genotypic variation for FHB severity plant height and heading stage respectively The frequency of recovery in cross validation was ≥90 for all three traits Because the markers that detect dwarfing gene Ddw1 in rye are also in our population the most closely linked markers we assume that this major QTL resembles Ddw1 For FHB severity two for plant height three and for heading stage five additional QTL were detected Caused by the considerable genetic variation for heading stage and FHB severity within the progeny with the dwarfing allele shortstrawed early heading and FHBresistant lines can be developed when population size is large enoughThe authors want to thank Elmar A Weissmann Saatzucht Dr Hege GbR Waldenburg for sharing the population with us and Jens Möhring for suggestions on the statistical analysis We highly appreciate the excellent technical support of the teams at Hohenheim and Oberer Lindenhof This research was partially funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF under the promotional reference 0315414 Rasha Kalih had a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD Bonn The responsibility of the content of this publication rests with the authors