Authors: Nicole Nagdyman Thilo Fleck Stephan Schubert Peter Ewert Björn Peters Peter E Lange Hashim AbdulKhaliq
Publish Date: 2005/04/01
Volume: 31, Issue: 6, Pages: 846-850
TOI measured noninvasively by NIRS was compared to SjO2 measured in the jugular bulb during cardiac catheterization Patients were divided into two groups regarding body weight below n=29 and above 10 kg n=31 Linear regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were calculated BlandAltman analysis sensitivity and specificity calculation for spatially resolved nearinfrared spectroscopy with a cutoff level of 60 were performed Simultaneously measured values for SjO2 673±98 40–841 and TOI 657±72 39–80 showed a significant correlation the correlation in children weighing under 10 kg was stronger in children weighing over 10 kg BlandAltman analysis showed a mean bias of −18 with limits of agreement between 117 and −153 for all children Sensitivity and specificity of the SRS method were 46 and 91 respectively for all children and 53 and 83 respectively in infants weighing under 10 kg