Authors: J delCastillo J MéndezRamos A C Yanes V D Rodríguez
Publish Date: 2008/07/25
Volume: 11, Issue: 4, Pages: 879-884
The generation of a wide colour gamut based on upconversion of cheap nearinfrared photons into the visible range is of great importance for general lighting appliances and integrated optical devices Here we report for the first time on upconversion luminescence under infrared excitation at 980 nm in Yb3+–Er3+–Tm3+ triply doped sol–gel derived SiO2–LaF3 based nanoglass–ceramics SOLYET containing LaF3 nanocrystals with a size about 13 nm Efficient simultaneous upconversion emission of the three primary colours blue green and red gives rise to a balanced white overall emission The ratio between upconversion emission bands can be varied by changing pump power intensity resulting in colour tuneable upconversion phosphor