Authors: Shanshan Wang Zhonghui Liu Carmen Bartic Hong Xu Jian Ye
Publish Date: 2016/08/19
Volume: 18, Issue: 8, Pages: 246-
Surfaceenhanced Raman scattering SERS tags show ultrasensitivity and multiplexing abilities due to strong and characteristic Raman signals and therefore can be utilized as optical labeling agents similar to fluorescent dyes and quantum dots for biosensing and bioimaging However SERS tags have the difficulty to realize quantitative analysis due to the uniformity and reproducibility issue In this work we have reported on a new type of SERS tag called Au rodinshell RIS gapenhanced Raman tag GERT With the highresolution transmission electron microscopy TEM and optical absorbance measurements we have demonstrated the subnanometer sized gap junctions inside the RIS GERTs SERS measurements and FDTD calculations show that the core–shell subnanometer gap geometry in the RIS GERTs not only generates strong SERS hot spots but also isolates SERS hot spots by Au shells to avoid the influence when the particle aggregates form therefore showing better SERS uniformity and stronger SERS intensity than normal Au nanorods Those RIS NPs exhibit great potential as the labeling agents for SERSbased bioimaging and biosensing applications