Authors: Saeid Movahed Dongqing Li
Publish Date: 2012/07/18
Volume: 14, Issue: 8, Pages: 1032-
This article presents a theoretical study of electrokinetic motion of a negatively charged cubic nanoparticle in a threedimensional nanochannel with a circular crosssection Effects of the electrophoretic and the hydrodynamic forces on the nanoparticle motion are examined Because of the large applied electric field over the nanochannel the impact of the Brownian force is negligible in comparison with the electrophoretic and the hydrodynamic forces The conventional theories of electrokinetics such as the Poisson–Boltzmann equation and the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski slip velocity approach are no longer applicable in the small nanochannels In this study and at each time step first a set of highly coupled partial differential equations including the Poisson–Nernst–Plank equation the Navier–Stokes equations and the continuity equation was solved to find the electric potential ionic concentration field and the flow field around the nanoparticle Then the electrophoretic and hydrodynamic forces acting on the negatively charged nanoparticle were determined Following that the Newton second law was utilized to find the velocity of the nanoparticle Using this model effects of surface electric charge of the nanochannel bulk ionic concentration the size of the nanoparticle and the radius of the nanochannel on the nanoparticle motion were investigated Increasing the bulk ionic concentration or the surface charge of the nanochannel will increase the electroosmotic flow and hence affect the particle’s motion It was also shown that unlike microchannels with thin EDL the change in nanochannel size will change the EDL field and the ionic concentration field in the nanochannel affecting the particle’s motion If the nanochannel size is fixed a larger particle will move faster than a smaller particle under the same conditions