Authors: Vikhram V Swaminathan Larry R Gibson Marie Pinti Shaurya Prakash Paul W Bohn Mark A Shannon
Publish Date: 2012/07/04
Volume: 14, Issue: 8, Pages: 951-
Species transport in nanocapillary membrane systems has engaged considerable research interest presenting technological challenges and opportunities while exhibiting significant deviations from conventionally well understood bulk behavior in microfluidics Nonlinear electrokinetic effects and surface charge of materials along with geometric considerations dominate the phenomena in structures with characteristic lengths below 100 nm Consequently these methods have enabled 3D micro and nanofluidic hybrid systems with highchemical selectivity for precise manipulation of masslimited quantities of analytes In this review we present an overview of both fundamental developments and applications of these unique nanocapillary systems identifying forces that govern ion and particle transport and surveying applications in separation sensing mixing and chemical reactions All of these developments are oriented toward adding important functionality in micrototal analysis systemsMark Shannon and Vikhram Swaminathan acknowledge support through WaterCAMPWS Center for Advanced Materials for the Purification of Water with Systems a US National Science Foundation funded Science and Technology Center under contract CTS0120978 and the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under grant W911NF09C0079 The portion of this study conducted at the University of Notre Dame was supported by the US National Science Foundation under grants DBI 0852741 and CBET 0120978 by the US Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences DE FG02 07ER15851 and by the US Army Corps of Engineers contract W9132100010 Shaurya Prakash and Marie Pinti acknowledge partial support through the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency grant W911NF09C0079