Authors: Achintya N Bezbaruah Sai Sharanya Shanbhogue Senay Simsek Eakalak Khan
Publish Date: 2011/09/27
Volume: 13, Issue: 12, Pages: 6673-6681
Nanoscale zerovalent iron NZVI particles 10–90 nm were encapsulated in biodegradable calciumalginate capsules for the first time for application in environmental remediation Encapsulation is expected to offers distinct advances over entrapment Trichloroethylene TCE degradation was 89–91 in 2 h and the reaction followed pseudo first order kinetics for encapsulated NZVI systems with an observed reaction rate constant k obs of 192–323 × 10−2 min−1 and a surface normalized reaction rate constant k sa of 102–172 × 10−3 L m−2 min−1 TCE degradation reaction rates for encapsulated and bare NZVI were similar indicating no adverse affects of encapsulation on degradation kinetics The shelflife of encapsulated NZVI was found to be four months with little decrease in TCE removal efficiencyThis research was supported by USGS/North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute NDWRRI The help from the members especially Mr Harjyoti Kalita and Ms Sita Krajangpan of Nanoenvirology Research Group NRG and Environmental Engineering Laboratory of North Dakota State University is thankfully acknowledged